Thursday, January 30, 2014

Get out of the twilight zone..... no wait the COMFORT zone!

Today and yesterday we had the opportunity to move into a new apartment! We are moving into a members basement. It is a beautiful place to live and we are really excited! It is a lot of work though! From packing, cleaning, packing some more, cleaning some more, then unpacking, cleaning, unpacking, shopping.. ect. You get the point! It can take a lot to move apartments. We are excited for the change but with it comes some unwanted consequences like leaving our dear roommates. The more I thought about the changes and the work put into it, it reminded me a lot about life. Often times we are given opportunities to change and we are excited and motivated but we still have moments where we want to stay behind. The benefit of staying behind is comfort. The benefit of moving on is increased ability to progress.

Staying in our comfort zones is the best way to mediocrity and laziness. Someone told me once that the gospel is to give the afflicted comfort, and the comfortable affliction. How true! We need to step out of our comfort zone and experience the change and progression God has in store for us. It will not be easy. It will be painful. In the end, it will be worth it. Elder Ritchie, a senior Elder in our mission, told us that the only way out of our comfort zones is through goals. How amazing is it then that our Heavenly Father will give us very new situations where we must set new goals. In this new apartment our goal is to keep it clean! As well as being able to redefine ourselves as missionaries. In every aspect of change we can use it to push us out of our comfort zones and into progression.

Sister Elaine S. Dalton shared her thoughts on change and comfort zones as well.
I am so grateful for the opportunity to leave my comfort zone and improve. I am still nervous but it will be a wonderful journey! Don't be afraid to step out of the comfort zone.

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