I clearly remember my parents insisting that Steadmans are steadfast. Now that is a pretty cWherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life. (2 Nephi 31:20)
ool motto I will agree. It wasn't until recently that I realized something... What does that even mean! I decided to take a study and find out!
Steadfast means to be persevering, diligent, firm, dedicated, committed, faithful, obedient, unshaken, immovable, loyal, courageous, enduring, dependable, and full of integrity. Holy Cow! We are promising to be a lot when we say we are steadfast! The more I looked into each of those words, the more I realized that it is all simply becoming converted. it is becoming like our Savior. Preach my gospel lists off certain Christ like attributes such as Faith, hope, charity, knowledge, humility ,obedience, virtue, patience, and diligence. All of these words tie in to the words listed above. When we become steadfast we are becoming like Christ.
Becoming steadfast doesn't happen all at once. It is not the step we take before faith. It is the step we take as we are enduring to the end. It is the step and place where the mighty change of heart can occur. It is where we become a true disciple.
As a missionary, I have had a lot of opportunity to put into practice this very phrase. I have had the choices such as to stay out and work in the blizzard or enjoy a cup of hot chocolate, sleep in just a minute more or be up right on time, and stay firm in my testimony when it is challenged or just agree to avoid contention. I am not saying I was perfect everytime, but I can say that I have tried my best to be Steadfast. I am a Steadman and Steadmans are Steadfast!
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