Friday, March 14, 2014

Isn't it about time...??

I love the old church commercials! They are so wonderful! They share a wonderful message in such a humorous way. I loved the tag line. Isn't it about time? Think about that for a moment. We all run our lives by time. How much time do we have to get ready in the morning or how much longer do I have to sit in this class. It really is about time. When we realize that this life is such a small small moment in the eternal perspective, that time becomes even more precious. This week I was thinking a lot about the time that I really gave to my family and friends. I was also thinking about how blessed I was to have been given so much time by those I love. Here are just a few examples of the time that was given to me to help me grow.
  • Every Sunday my mom and me would make some sort of treat together. We would spend the time together and become even better friends.
  • My dad would always ask me to come to work with him. I should have been much better about spending that time with him! I loved that I knew he always wanted me around.
  • My sisters and I would always watch the silly chick flicks together. We laughed and laughed. I knew not matter how tired or sick they were,we would always have that time together.
  • I had many occasions where my friends would take the time to talk with me or to just let me vent. They gave me the time I needed to become better.
Even more importantly then the time we give to others is the time we give to our Heavenly Father. He has literally given us all time and it is just asked that we give a small portion of time. Just a little bit to read our scriptures or to pray. Yes, even 3 hours at church is just a little bit to give to the God who gave us life. As we give Him our time we can build a relationship with Him. I am so grateful for this time that I get to give to my Heavenly Father as His missionary. I love this opportunity to give Him my time. 

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