Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Oh what a beautiful morning!!!

One of my favorite prophets in the Book of Mormon is Nephi. That man is a rockstar. He goes through so much turmoil and crazy and yet he is still so positive and diligent. In comparison, his brothers are the murmurers. They complain about everything! They never stop. It can get really annoying to read. Something I realized today is the why behind this story. Lamen and Lemuel have no real relationship with God. They are looking for answers from the world and not from Him. Nephi has a magnificent vision (1 Nephi 11-15) where he sees everything. Everything! No wonder he has a better attitude. He just sees the whole creation of the world so no wonder he just goes and makes a bow or builds a ship. He gets the eternal perspective. For him it is nothing because he just saw the glory and power of God.
I have lost that eternal perspective a lot! I have become the murmurer. I have seen that happen to me a lot out here on a mission. I forget what a short time I have to serve God and focus on the horrible hour of talking to no one. I was the worst when I was a teenager at this. That one moment my mom wouldn't let me be with friends overcame the hours of time spent with them before hand. We all do this in our everyday life. I mean lets think about this. We are children of God. We are on this life to learn how to be happy living with God again for eternity. That is pretty amazing! We are commanded to have joy and to love life. So why do we always nitpick at the moments. Lamen, Lemuel and Nephi all lived the same life, but it was Nephi that chose to live it happy. One of my favorite scriptures read, "
Therefore, dearly beloved brethern, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed." (Doctrine and Covenants 123:17)
In reality all God asks of us is to live our live in a way we can be the happiest. We can chose as Nephi did to look at the positive and be happy! Or we can become like his elder brothers and be miserable. It really is up to us to choose.

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