Wednesday, February 12, 2014

How I hate you so... Running not Sister Lochridge!

Running. Oh running. How I hate you so. You hurt my legs and you make me run out of breath. You leave me sore and beat up and you don't even care. You tear me down and yet your purpose is to build me back up. You are truly just mean. Yet, I seem to still use you everyday. I have seen me become stronger and more in shape, but do you have to do in such a painful way. Oh running, I really do quite hate you.

I have really really come to hate running. As you might have already noticed. It is painful and quite boring. However, I keep running every day. I know it is good for me and at sometime I will begin to see the benefits from it. Isn't this how most trials are in our life. We really don't like them and they prove quite difficult and yet we keep going because we know in the end it will be OK and we will probably be much better off.

It reminds me of a time on my mission where my dear companion, Sister Lochridge, had staff infection. She got it her first weekend into the mission and it was rough. At the same time I injured my ankle quite badly and we were out for a while. It was rough! We both really didn't understand why this was happening and why we were in such a struggle bus. We wanted to be working and helping the area and instead we were sick and injured. It was a hard time for us both. And yet we learned so much! We were able to come together and really support each other. We are very close and will always be! We needed these trials to come together and we have been a support for each other ever since. I love that woman and I am so grateful our transfer together was so hard because it made us both much stronger.

We all go through trials when we don't understand why things happen the way they do. That is just going to happen.
Elder Orson F. Whitney said: "No pain that we suffer, no trial that we experience is wasted . . . All that we suffer and all that we endure, especially when we endure it patiently, builds up our characters, purifies our hearts and expands our souls, and makes us more tender and charitable ... it is through sorry and suffering, toil and tribulation, that we gain the education that we come here to acquire."  (More Than Conquerors through Him that loved us)
I am so grateful for the trials that make us better and that give us the knowledge we need to become better.

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