Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I don't want to be you.

The quirky me!
We live in such a world today. Everyone is seeking to have the coolest clothes and own all the name brands. The world has this ideal being that everyone wants to become. Everyone is in someway trying to fit the mold, even if their life motto is to break it. We are individuals with unique attributes and personality traits that make us amazing to God. We are to embrace the very eternal nature we have within us and run with it. I am different then you. That is a fact. You are different then the person sitting next to you. Thank goodness! If we were all the same this would be a very boring world! God needs us to be different so He can use us in different avenues to build His kingdom. We must each seek inside of us for the individual gifts, talents and abilities that make us unique. I don't want to be you. I'm sorry! I want to be me. My quirky, demanding, crazy me. Yes, I can still improve upon that but it will remain me. That is something I am so grateful for when it comes to my mission. I have learned to become more like my Savior without losing those characteristics that make me me.
If God wanted us to be the same He would have made us that way. I am a ginger who has the spunk to prove it. I love singing, eating chocolate, and reading a good book. I could never play a single sport and be perfectly content. I am very different then you, but I am the way God made me. We are each unique and we all have the ability to reach an eternal potential. If you help me to get there, I will help you!
Sister Dalton said speaking to a group of women, "As daughters of God we are each unique and different in our circumstances and experiences. And yet our part matters---because we matter."
I hope each of us can really identify the talents and abilities God has given us so we can develop our individuality!

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