Saturday, December 21, 2013

Repentance - Alma 34

Repentance. What an amazing gift! I was reading in Alma chapter 34 today and was struck with the ability Heavenly Father has given us to change. We are so blessed with the ability to become better. Here are some of my insights from this chapter! Please share yours as well!

First off is the ability to repent. The only way that we can repent is through the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ and the only way we can truly access the Atonement is through repentance. It makes one big circle! If Christ never came we would not have the opportunity to repent and if we don't repent we can never use the full measure of the enabling power of the Atonement to change. That is why repentance really is a necessary element in our daily lives in order to become more like Christ.

Repentance is so important because now is the day "which is given to prepare for eternity" (Alma 34: 33). Now really is the time to prepare to live with God again. Not tomorrow or in a week but now. I love that Christ teaches us that he is "mighty to save" (Alma 34: 18).Alma also teaches us that immediately when we repent the great plan of redemption will be brought unto you (Alma 34:31). When we do decide to repent it allows us to be encircled in His arms and to be forgiven. What a blessing! He really does love us! If we really allow the Atonement to come and change us and help us repent we will be so much happier!

I know that through repentance we can become more like the son or daughter that Heavenly Father needs us to be. I have seen the enabling and sustaining power of the Atonement work in my life to help me to repent. When I have sincerely repented I have received the most joy and peace. Look at your life and determine what things you can change. It doesn't have to be a major sin, but it could be a small thing you can simply do better at. As you examine your life I know that Heavenly Father will reveal to you things you can work on. I love you all!

Sister Steadman

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