Monday, April 7, 2014

Practically perfect in every way!

I remember when I was in the musical Peter Pan. I was playing the part of Wendy! It was a wonderful show and I loved it! One of the scenes will always stick out to me. When Wendy is first shot down from the flight, the lost boys find her and build a nice house around her. We practiced that scene over and over again to make sure the pieces were placed correctly so the house would not fall down. It was scary to be laying there helpless as a house was built around me! We finally had mastered the technique and everyone felt confident in that scene. Some of the lost boys began to be a little careless with their placing of the pieces. On our first night of performance the tragedy occurred! As I laid there under the built house... it all came down!! At first I attempted to hold it up and not let anyone see but it came crashing down around me! I was so embarrassed and tried to cover for it! It was so rough!! Our director was so disappointed that a scene we had worked so hard on had failed. It is quite a funny experience when I look back but in the moment it was devastating!!
While practicing for the scene we had the ability to master it, but because of laziness and lack of accurate practice we lost the opportunity for perfection.
This happens so much in our lives. We all have the ability to be perfect. We can perfectly play a piano piece if we learn to practice it perfectly. We can perfectly shoot a basketball if we practice it perfectly. It is the same way in our daily spiritual  habits. We can become like our Savior Jesus Christ as we perfectly practice the small and simple habits. If we read our scriptures everyday, pray often, attend church every week, and follow the commandments we are perfectly practicing to become perfect! It all lies in the small and simple steps of discipleship. We cannot afford to get lazy and out of the habit. We need everyday to practice! Without practice we will not progress and we will lose the ground we already covered! Please please practice!! And make your steps to perfection happen daily!

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