Thursday, May 22, 2014

Through Trials and Tribulations comes . . . service??

This week has been an interesting. With lot of up and downs... mostly downs. We have struggled in the area and the work. I had the opportunity to talk to my Mission President and he reminded me of a simple story that comforted my heart. I wanted to share.
Jesus Christ and John the Baptist were cousins. They were close as Jesus chose to baptized by John. They both endured trials and hardships and Jesus even sent angels to John to comfort him in prison. Imagine the grief and pain Christ must have felt as he learned this close friend had been killed. It must have caused Him great sorrow. Jesus Christ left the people for a time and went into the desert. I am sure He was seeking a moment on His own to express that sorrow. Instead the multitudes followed Him and He had compassion upon them. He taught them and performed the miracle of the loves of bread and fishes. He fed thousands that night when he sought to be alone. Later in the same night, He again retired to solitude. He again left his moment of peace to rescue the disciples who were at sea in a storm. It is then that He walked on water. He continually served those around Him even the deepest pain. (Matt 14 and Mark 6)
Often as we go through the times of deepest sorrow and trial, the Lord provides us opportunities to serve those around us. He knows that this service is the ultimate way to joy and peace. Serving others allows the spirit to enter our hearts and heal us. It allows us to come closer to the Savior then ever before. Christ once again and always will show us the perfect example of how to love and overcome. They are intertwined and always will be. As I got through my own trials and shortcomings I will look to this example of service. This is a touching wonderful message that has helped me as well!

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